Is a Wedding Video Worth it?
06/01/14 15:16 Filed in: Wedding Filming Articles | Frequent Questions
We have created a short animated video to answer the commonly searched fro question “ Is a wedding video worth it? “ or “Is a wedding videography necessary”.
With many brides not noticing the importance of having their wedding filmed until its too late.
Why You Need A Wedding Video !
Why many wedding suppliers and previous married couples agree a wedding video is a must!
Many peoples pre-wedding mindset
So who wants a stranger hanging about on their big day shoving a camera in your face and turning your day into one big movie shoot! For many couples this is how they see a wedding cameramen, as intrusive, unprofessional and an extra thing to be worried about, as a lot of people don't like being filmed! Most people have only ever been filmed by a family member, or at a school play, or by a bad cameraman at someone else's wedding! Many couples are concerned about relaxing and enjoying their big day and see a wedding video as a detriment to this, however in truth its quite the opposite!
The truth about Wedding Videos
Ask all married couples about their day and the one thing they will say is how quickly it past them by! How they did not get to appreciate the church and its detail, the flowers and lace, the guests, the magician, the quartet, the grounds of the wedding venue/reception etc. Many couples would have spent many months if not years deciding on what suppliers to have at their big day, what cake to choose, what dress to wear and the day has flashed past, leaving only memories! (unfortunately memories are restricted to what you actually saw in the first place!)
Some of the suppliers may not even be seen or noticed by the bride and groom as they are so busy with the photographer or greeting guests they have not seen for many years. Its only afterwards when they speak with their friends that they discover that they were even there!
This is why when you ask married couples after the event their biggest regret is often not having a wedding video, especially if they have seen there friends wedding video, so that they can re-live their big day! Why do you think that brides who do have their wedding filmed are watching it endlessly for years to come!
Won't the video get in the way?
A good wedding videographer will in the most part, blend into the background. They will be fully briefed as to the running order of the day and be in place for the important moments before they happen rather than reacting to the moment. This way they will remain unobtrusive and discreet as a good, experienced videographer plans their position before each shot Very often the videographer will add to the running of the day as they know what should be happening and when and work with the photographer to keep to the timetable. More recently, there has been an upsurge of amateur photographers who, having bought a high quality digital camera have branched out into the world of wedding photography with little or no experience. The experienced videographer will notice how stills cameramen will often be missing for those important moments and look to guide and assist them in such instances.
What about the cost - its not cheap!
Many brides will prioritise their wedding budget on the things that seem important to her pre-wedding, such as the venue and dress. A recent survey has shown 54% of brides place their wedding film as one of the most important things (top 10) before the wedding, yet this rises when the bride looks back and assess each individual value to 79%!
80% of all past brides surveyed believed that a wedding video should be considered, this number rises to 95% when you only take into account brides who had their wedding day filmed.
Visit and read these real life answers to the question “ Is a Wedding Video Worth it?
Wedding Wire