Fun Karaoke 50th Birthday

Want a fun way of remembering a wedding or special event? Why not get your guests to mime alone to your favourite song?

Bridal Morning Preparations

We are frequently asked about the hours that we recommend you book. We are more than happy to talk you through your day and make a recommendation of hours, as every wedding is different.

When considering the hours you want us to film it is worth considering what to want to feature in your final film. You may not see the bridal party preparations as something that would be worth recording, however by taking a look at what we capture above and how we put it together, we hope to have change your mind!

Awesome Best Man Speech

Bringing you something a little bit different! We recently filmed the wedding of Leon and Kyla. The best man Craig asked us to help him produce a video for him to help him out with his best mans speech.

This video was allot of fun to make, a spoof of Leon (the groom) running for mayor of his home town Coulsdon. We asked the public of Coulsdon various questions about Leon (or Boris !) and put together the answers to this entertaining film. Leon and his family are talented singers and musicians, so Craig wanted to put the second part of the video together to one of Leons songs “Brighton Beech”.

If your interested in putting a speech video together or something a little different, contact us for a chat!

Now Offering Aerial Videography

We are pleased to announce that we are now offering our stunning aerial videography to our wedding clients! For availability and pricing please contact a member of our team.

We did not want to offer aerial footage in our films until we were sure that we could produce stunning shots that could go straight into any film, at an affordable cost! Unfortunately other companies are offering aerial footage cheaper without being able to flying and operate the cameras properly, which we believe can actually ruin rather than enhance your wedding film!

We have taken an altogether different approach by training up our pilots by placing them in simulators for weeks! Then going out in the fields to gain experience before qualifying as one our our professional pilots! This results in some stunning smooth footage and importantly a flying camera that is flown safely in a highly controlled manner!

Some additional film Ideas for your wedding

Today we just wanted to share with you, some of the non-wedding day, wedding films we have created some some of our couples.

One of our modern wedding ideas is the Animated Love Story. This is were we take your love or engagement story and tell it in an animated format with caricatures.

Imagine the reaction of showing your love story in this way before or during your wedding day speeches. Its a real wow and talking point for the evening!

Traditional Love Story

Like the Animated version, yet filmed! A great addition to your final wedding Blu-ray disc.

Video Portrait Shoot

Why not let us tag along on your photographic pre-wedding shoot. We can use modern cinematic cameras to tell the story, or to capture your engagement.